Movies - 29 June 2019 - Brazil

Saturday 29 June 2019

DOORS 12.30PM / START: 1pm (45 mins)

259 Hardess Street
SE24 0HN

Simone: Stories at a Transfer Station (Estórias em estação de transferências)

The short film “Simone – Stories in Transfer Station” brings a daily break of the Simone character. She makes a date with her boyfriend at CPTM’s Júlio Prestes station and waits for him for long and harrowing hours. In this anguish we enter Simone’s imagination, where her boyfriend and other male figures appear as stereotypes in Brazilian history, social memory and Simone’s life. Traversing imagination and the reality of waiting, Simone exorcises her anguish and finds herself in dignity as a Black Woman.

Dir. Renato Candido de Lima

Dara: The First Time I went to the sky (A primeira vez que fui ao céu)

Dara is a 10-year-old black girl from the rural area of Bahia/Brazil in the 1960s. On the eve of moving to São Paulo, Dara wants to set up a swing in a cashew tree where she lives with her grandparents and her little brother. Her parents are already in São Paulo, it's time for the girl to leave.

Dir. Renato Candido de Lima